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Types of Diffusion


The Principle

Low-speed air dispersion (0.2 to 1 m per sec.) through a porous fabric surface.


– Short air-dispersion range from 2 to 4 m.
– Comfort (no or very little draught).


The Principle

Medium or high-speed air dispersion (from 2 to 7 m per sec.) through woven wire strips.


– Air-dispersion range from 3 to 8.
– Fewer diffusers required for the area.


The Principle

Medium or high-speed air dispersion via calibrated openings (from 8 to 30 m per sec.).


– Air-dispersion range from 4 to 30 m.
– Ideal for use with reversible units, even with high-temperature gradients.


The Principle

Diffusers for transporting air. (Non-diffusing)


– Sounds are damped.
– Minimum support structures are required.


circularCircular Conduits

Optimized airflow and complete dispersion options. Recommended for applications where ceiling space is not limited.

semi-circularSemi-circular conduits

Recommended when ceiling space is limited, 40% reduction in space with equivalent airflow as compared to circular ducting.

quarter-circularQuarter-circular conduits

Recommended when ceiling space is limited, conduits are fixed at ceiling/wall junction points when fitted horizontally or at wall corners when fitted vertically.


Cable Suspension

This system is only used for circular diffusers. Cable suspension is the system most frequently used. It is the most economical solution in terms of supply and fitting times per meter. It can be adapted to the widest possible range of constraints (wall or ceiling fitting, changes in level, etc.). The position of anchoring points must be included in the study. Tractive forces may be up to 250 kg. To prevent any cable sag, intermediate supports are recommended every 10 to 15 meters.

Rail Suspension

The Twist’n Fix rail can be used for circular or semi-circular diffusers. This support system offers interesting savings in fitting times. Only one rail is needed for textile ducts up to 1,000 mm in diameter. Thanks to its novel technical characteristics (ultra-rapid connectors), the Twist’N Fix system reduces the number of handling operations to be carried out at high levels by privileging pre-assembly on the floor. It is especially recommended for refurbishment projects. This support provides peak rigidity, better than a galvanized steel rail and it limits the number of intermediate suspension points required (every 4 to 6 meters against every 2 meters for a galvanized steel rail). Special efforts have been made to make product-handling easier. Aluminum rails are in the form of strips, 3 meters long.


This system is only used for circular diffusers. Cable suspension is the system most frequently used. It is the most economical solution in terms of supply and fitting times per meter. It can be adapted to the widest possible range of constraints (wall or ceiling fitting, changes in level, etc.). The position of anchoring points must be included in the study. Tractive forces may be up to 250 kg. To prevent any cable sag, intermediate supports are recommended every 10 to 15 meters.